Monday, March 22

Retrumplican's GOPQ



  1. Thank God I live in Canada.

    what is mostly sad is that these «regressive» people are always meddeling to supress the rights to vote where there are colored people.
    You could NEVER see that in Canada.

    When USA claim to be THE world largest democracy, seeing this makes the other democracies of the world wave their heads in doubt.

    Since Lincoln in 1864-65, nothing has really changeg on equality of rights in USA.

    Being a colored, Asian or gay in USA is really a unsafe condition.

  2. The gay couple getting married in this meme is my husband and I! Love seeing it out there.❤

  3. The gay couple getting married in this meme is my Husband and I! Love seeing our picture out there.❤

  4. I was married in right before the lockdown last February. I am happy for you. Please let me know if you would like me to remove the post.
