Got Pw3d by Comcast
After criticizing Comcast through their Customer Relations link, my "promotional rate" ended and monthly bill will increase.
On a Friday eve my Comcast modem stopped operating. On Saturday, I picked up a new cable modem at a Comcast office. That afternoon the modem would not access the web. A Customer Care Rep was able to recognize my IP address, but unable to figure out why it was being blocked by Comcast. I was told it would have to "escalate" (their term and in a 72 hour period someone else from Comcast would call me and rectify the problem. Wednesday arrives with many calls to Comcast and just as many time periods including as much as to 5 working days were given. The last curt call to Comcast included being told that if it were fixed right away my rate may increase. After arguing that ridunkulous statement, I was told it would not be raised. That afternoon I was on-line again after Comcast unblocked the cable modem they had provided.
A week after writing an on-line critique to Comcast, today I receive a friendly letter that states my (unknown to me) "promotional rate" would come to an end in October. The lesson...don't ef' with Comcast fellas or you will get pwn3d.
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